Accessories for perforated wall panels Iron Team

In order to optimally organise all your necessary work equipment, Fami has devised Iron Team, an extensive range of accessories for perforated wall panels that will keep your company tidy and efficient.

Accessori per pannelli forati portautensili Iron Team

Reasons for choosing it

Wide range of solutions

Mounting on various surfaces


Accessories for perforated wall panels: benefits and features

Free installation

Thanks to the screw and plug fastening system, you can use each shelf, spray can holder or dispenser on a broad variety of surfaces: wooden panels, walls and perforated panels 10x10 mm, even if they are not made by Fami.
Unlike the traditional interlocking system, this installation system is easier and quicker and allows you to organise work materials in any area of the company.

Electricity close at hand

The Iron Team Electric's diverse solutions can equip the industrial workstation with an electrical power source, so that tools and equipment can be recharged and used on battery power. They have multiplugs with two or four inputs, circuit breakers and cables to connect the various multiplugs and the wall socket. There are also frames to conceal the plug sockets and give the industrial workstation a uniform appearance.

Light up your job

The new range of lamps with one or two LED bulbs that can be fastened directly to the aerial structure of the workbench, to the perforated panel, to the wooden panel or to the wall using brackets, screws or magnets. If brackets are used for fastening, the lamp’s inclination can be changed.

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