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Heavy-duty racking

Heavy-duty racking, ideal for storing and organising heavy products that can be handled using bridge cranes and forklift trucks.

Heavy-duty racking
Our solution

Scaffalature porta stampi system
System AR mould rack shelving
  • Extractable shelves
  • Load-bearing capacities per shelf between 800 and 1000 kg
  • Resistant and durable metal shelves
  • Available with sliding doors, and side and rear walls
System AR

The unique characteristics of Fami heavy-duty racking

Suitable for heavy loads

The heavy-duty industrial shelving is arranged with extractable shelves that have special supports and guides for storing and organising heavy materials and components such as dies, motors and goods placed on pallets. These components can be positioned at different heights on the rack so that they can easily adapt to the dimensions of the products being stored.

Safe storage and handling

The opening and closing of the various shelves of the heavy-duty racking is made safe thanks to an appropriate safety system positioned on the back of the shelf. This device prevents the simultaneous opening of multiple shelves and, consequently, a shifting of the weight outwardly which could cause the structure to tip over. For added safety, the heavy-duty racking is supplied with appropriate plates for anchoring the structure to the floor.

System expandable over time

The structure of the heavy-duty racking is modular and can be expanded at any time, so that it can be adapted to the new storage requirements. Moreover, additional elements can be inserted to protect the stored material, including side and rear walls and also sliding doors equipped with a lock.

Supporting and organising heavy loads with heavy-duty racking

The heavy-duty shelving system allows for transforming the way heavy materials are managed and organised: these elements, precisely due to their weight and the lack of suitable structures for storing them, are normally placed on the ground, where they occupy space that could otherwise be used to create additional industrial workstations or warehouses.

The use of heavy-duty industrial shelving, therefore, allows for transforming the way dies and motors are stored, by creating sturdy and resistant vertical warehouses that can safely withstand very heavy products.

Heavy-duty shelving systems not only optimise space, but also facilitate and speed up the handling, loading and unloading of stored products: lifting systems such as bridge cranes and forklift trucks can be used to retrieve the required component.

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