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Reports - Whistleblowing

In accordance with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and the related transposition laws, the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001, Fami S.r.l. has adopted a reporting management system that allows it to manage reports, including anonymous reports, received by Fami S.r.l. and its subsidiaries in Italy and abroad.

In accordance with the applicable legislation, regardless of the subject of the report, it is always guaranteed the possibility of sending reports directly to Fami S.r.l. through special channels for receiving reports made available for the so-called Whistleblowing.

Regardless of the channel used, Fami S.r.l. guarantees the reception, analysis and processing of reports forwarded by anyone: Fami S.r.l. staff and all those, both natural and legal persons, who operate in Italy and abroad for the achievement of the objectives of Fami S.r.l., each within the scope of their functions and responsibilities, and other third parties, even anonymously. These are reports concerning behaviour, carried out by the staff of Fami S.r.l. and/or by all those, both natural and legal persons, who operate in Italy and abroad for the achievement of the objectives of Fami S.r.l., each within the scope of their functions and responsibilities, in violation of the Code of Ethics, laws, regulations, provisions of the Authorities, internal regulations, Model 231 or CE Models.

Fami S.r.l. guarantees the utmost confidentiality on the subjects and facts reported, as well as on the identity of the reporting parties, so that the person making the report is not subject to any form of retaliation.

It is possible to submit a report through the following channels:

• E-mail address:
• Ordinary mail – Fami S.r.l., for the attention of the Chairman of the Supervisory Body, Via Stazione Rossano no. 13, 36027 Rosà (VI), Italy

Without prejudice to the preferential use of the reporting channels made available by Fami S.r.l., in the cases strictly indicated pursuant to art. 6 of Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023, it is also possible to report to the competent authority (ANAC).

Fami S.r.l. will process the information and personal data communicated in the context of the reports to manage and follow up on the reports themselves, as well as investigate any reported conduct and take the necessary measures in accordance with applicable laws, including legislation on the protection of personal data. For more information on the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data included in the reports and collected during the procedure, we invite you to consult the information for the processing of data of reporting parties, reported parties or other third parties involved, available on this page.

Information on data processing for Reporting Parties, Reported Parties and Third Parties

Whistleblowing Procedure

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